The division of maintenance responsibilities in the housing company

The division of maintenance responsibilities in the housing company

The division of maintenance responsibilities in the housing company is defined according to the Finnish Housing Company Act. Within the framework of the law, the housing company is responsible for the fundamental structures of the building and the apartment, insulation, as well as essential systems like heating, electricity, communication, gas, water, sewage, and ventilation systems, along with the integral equipment tied to these systems.

Conversely, the shareholder is responsible for maintaining and repairing the interior components of their apartment that fall outside the scope of the housing company’s responsibilities. Additionally, the shareholder is required to oversee the upkeep of non-essential devices that don’t directly impact the operation of the core building systems.

The housing company’s responsibility distribution table quickly and easily indicates how the maintenance responsibility is divided between the resident and the housing company. Essentially, this table clarifies whether a specific maintenance task is the responsibility of the resident or the maintenance company. If a resident prefers the property management company to handle a task that falls under their purview, the associated work will be invoiced separately.

You can access the responsibility distribution table of the Tapiola Lämpö Group through the link provided below, which has been compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the Finnish Real Estate Federation (Kiinteistöliitto). Please note that if the articles of association dictate a different distribution of maintenance responsibilities, the guidelines outlined in the articles of association will be followed.

The responsibility tables of our customers

2023 © Tapiolan Lämpö Oy

Y-tunnus: 0194085-4
