Property Repair and HPAC Services

Property Repair and HPAC Services

Tapiolan Lämpö provides comprehensive renovations and HPAC services professionally and on schedule.

Contact Information and Requests for Proposals

Eemil RautioHead of Unit020 750 5342
Jouni MiettinenConstruction Superintendent020 750 5285
Lari SchlagHPAC Supervisor020 750 5288

You can submit a request for a quote using the form found at the bottom of the page, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

HPAC Services

We offer comprehensive HPAC services for condominiums and private clients. Our experienced experts can assist you with piping work related to kitchen or bathroom renovations, for example.

Kuvituskuva kylpyhuoneesta, joka on juuri remontoitu.

Renovation Services

We provide a diverse range of renovation solutions for corporate and private clients, both indoors and outdoors.

Our services include carpentry, exterior and interior painting, tiling and waterproofing, personnel lift work and apartment renovations.

Tarjouspyyntö – Remontti- ja LVI-palvelut

Mikäli olet jo huollon asiakkaamme, huomioithan että taloyhtiön vastuulle kuuluvat asiat hoituvat huoltopyynnön kautta.

  • Anna puhelinnumero kansainvälisessä muodossa alkaen +358

2023 © Tapiolan Lämpö Oy

Y-tunnus: 0194085-4
